24Apr24: Andy’s ‘nipped…

He’s got the blank look of a ‘nip user, and he stayed there like this, immobile for several minutes.

He’s really twitchy now, my next clue.

He moved over to the lapboard and slept it off. Good ‘niip!


I couldn’t access the Internet on my laptop yesterday. It looked pretty grim because Spectrum tech support’s Jaimie wasn’t able to come up with a solution. I decided it was a good time to stand away from the problem and come back the next day. I have exactly no idea what I did differently today, but I have WiFi again. I hate computers! And I love them to death. 

01Aug20: What’s up, Doug?


Andy’s curious. Why won’t I let him come around to the other side? 

Maybe it’s because he has “Itchy Paws” and all I need to start hyperventilating again is Andy to wipe out what little hard won progress I’ve made on the nightmare configuration issues on my new laptop and photo sharing from my smart phone.


Seems like I resolve one issue and bring up twelve more. I’m not kidding about hyperventilation! ( I hope the person who cuts my beard and hair is operating again soon or I might be tempted to do it myself. >self to myself< “Don’t do it, Doug!”) 


Post 1896: The kitty boys are back!


We’ve had a grumpy few days, thanks to a laptop giving up the ghost, but my new laptop means the kitty boys and I can return to regular posting.

What’s going to fall apart next? I suspect it’s time for the smart phone to go belly up. I mean, don’t expensive things always fail close to expensive holidays like Christmas? And it’s about the only bit of technology I use that’s left to croak!

11May24: Andy wants everything, NOW!


Andy hit the ‘nip. I know that because it’s on his face and chest.

He stepped briefly by the new kitty lounger, stuck his head in, then ran into the next room.

Andy thinks there aren’t any Greenies there. Persian kitties have a hard time eating things close to the surface, and, from his perspective, there may as well not be any Greenies there. I save the Greenies he can’t eat and toss them outside for the birds or outside cats.

I clear the Greenies Andy can’t eat off the lapboard and…

… put out new Greenies for him!

Andy has urgent kitty business involving me. “Come with me, Doug!” It turned out to be something, maybe he wanted wet kitty food, which, when I put some out, he ignored.

Andy takes a short nap, then enjoys a bit of attention from me.

Off he goes again. It’s been like that all day! He wanted to look in the kitchen cabinets for “mousies” again. Oh yeah, we played “Look for Mousies in the Kitchen Cabinets” three, then four times. Sometimes it means he’s ready for wet kitty food; other times, it’s just something to do to get praise and face and back “scritches.”

Great! He doesn’t want Greenies now, so makes a mess knocking them off the lapboard when he takes a rest on top of those he didn’t at earlier. 

Off on more important kitty business, Andy stops by for a little face and head rubbing.

10May24: back to normal…

~ Nom! Nom! Nom! ~


Andy’s happy I’m home again because he can have Greenies on demand.


After yesterday’s packed post, I decided to give you something more minimal today.

09May24: a trip and an upset kitty…

Here comes Andy!

He came from behind this cat tree, the one where we start the morning with Andy’s back and head massages. (He’s a good boy – all that shredded rope is his doings!)

He stopped by the kitchen cabinets. Doug massaged his back and “scritched” his chin and ears, even opened cabinets to encourage him, but he wasn’t having it! 

Andy walked over to the open door, sniffed around, and then went to my bedroom to pout. He wasn’t happy I left him alone most of the day when I drove to Rapid City for my car appointment. He forgave me, yet I could tell that his feelings were hurt!


I hate to see my little buddy upset but I have an annual trip to Rapid City for routine maintenance and incremental 10K VW-recommended maintenance on my VW. I just hit 40,000 miles/ 64,374 km on the odometer, so the 40K extras came due this year. 


Next, a few landscape photos from my trip:

It’s the Ponderosa pine forest that covers the Black Hills that has a blackish appearance from afar that gives this area of South Dakota the name.

South again in Northwest Nebraska, the lowering clouds over the tableland and the lone tree in the foreground define this part of the state. (Yeah! Yeah! There are flat places in Nebraska, but most of the Panhandle, the western end, is hilly.)

The clump of trees on the far left is a shelterbelt. After the Dust Bowl years in the 1930s, this became a way people saved the soil from the wind. Often you’ll find a farmstead and outbuildings nestled in these trees. Aside from stabilizing the farmland, shelter belts serve wildlife from great horned owls and pheasants to white-tailed deer and songbirds, among many other species, as habitat. 

What the heck! This is my town’s big attraction, Carhenge. About three miles from where I live, I was happy to see it after a tiring day of making a 310 mile/ 499 km round trip. Home at last!


I love my end of Nebraska! I came back after my US Army days in Germany and never considered living anywhere else. All these videos will take you a lot of time to view. I post them mostly for hardcore geography, geology, and history readers who are interested in new places, especially this one which is Andy and my birthplace.  

These are just the highlights! 

Geology of Nebraska – Wikipedia

08May24: miscellany…

Sometimes, this is about as good as I can edit the color. In this photo, Andy was very, very, very interested in several scenes with meowing cats. Hey! He didn’t need Closed Captions for that program!

I like the black & white version better. 

Same problem here. The black & white version is more likable. The color version burns your retinas out. LOL!



Off to Rapid City now! Andy is an orphan for the day so I’ll leave the radio on. “All Things Considered”, “Morning Concert”, and “Afternoon Concert” should help. He likes a bit of news and music to deal with my absences. At least, when I return home he acts less anxious and needy than when I leave the radio on.

I’ll set extra wet and dry kitty food for when I am gone, otherwise, he’ll miss at least one, maybe two wet kitty food servings that the dry will help hold him. Kitty tummies are happier knowing there’s kitty food available on demand!

07May24: dreamtime, sort of…

Television does this!

Andy conks out after watching endless commercials. (Umm. No, that was me! LOL!)

Or did he? Check out how he’s looking backward now, watching me.)


Andy changed the venue to the recliner footrest, but he’s still watching me.


Yesterday, I mailed in my car registration fees and a check to the local hospital for some charge I will talk with the person there who deals with collections. I suspect it is for a medication that I get through the pharmacy there, one that can’t be sold through my regular pharmacy for mysterious reasons I don’t get.

The United States Postmaster General is attempting to close some distribution centers.

Currently, if I mail a letter to the Box Butte Courthouse, for example, my election ballots and car registration fees, the physical distance from the mail box where I put my outgoing mail is under 200 feet/ roughly 600 meters from the courthouse, which is in the next block. The mail, though, goes to a post office box inside the post office, a short distance of a few feet.

By some thought process, the US Postal Service sends my mail first to North Platte, Nebraska. North Platte is 167 miles/269 kilometers away to be sorted, then returned to Alliance to be put in the Box Butte  County Treasurer’s (taxes, fees) or Box Butte County Clerk’s (ballots) post office boxes.

If the US Postmaster General gets his way, North Platte wouldn’t be the distribution center for this area, it would be Denver, Colorado, which is 248 miles/ 399 kilometers from Alliance, Nebraska, where I live.

A recap: my mail now goes a round trip of  344 miles/ 538 kilometers to get a few feet into the post office box a few feet away from the box where I put my letters. If the US Postmaster General gets his way, that would change to 496 miles/ 698 kilometers



06May24: Where’s the kitty?

It was too quiet. “Where’s the kitty?“, I wondered, “And what’s Andy into?” It turned out he was resting by the front door, missing out on the outdoor scene. 

I interrupted his peace and quiet, so he left the scene. I held his tail loosely and let it pass through my hand as he walked by. I couldn’t resist: So soft and “floofy!”

I washed dishes since I was in the kitchen anyway and Andy was out of kitty food dishes. Andy realized kitty food was in his near future, so he returned from some important kitty business in the north bathroom.

“Come here, Andrew! Want a nose ‘boop?'” I asked as he approached me.

Of course he did!

Onwards, upwards to the kitchen cabinets.

Andy insists on playing “Find Mousies in the Kitchen Cabinets” before he eats wet kitty food, so that we did! Once again, for the several hundred times, there were no mousies.

Andy returns to where the day started. Wind knocked a few pieces of mail off the counter. You know cats! Cats like to roost up high. Any piece of paper on the floor is higher than the floor, so the cat flops down on the piece of paper!


I have my annual car appointment at the VW dealership in Rapid City, South Dakota next Wednesday morning. Though the trip takes two hours and thirty minutes one way, it takes me through some of the prettiest scenery in Western Nebraska and the Black Hills of South Dakota. I look forward to this trip.

The annual service makes up for leaving my poor, little VW Golf SportWagen in the cold all Winter. 



05May24: Cinco de Mayo is a holiday…

“Do something amusing, Andy!”

“Not today, Douglas. Today’s a holiday.”


Today isn’t Mexican Independence Day – that’s el 16 de septiembre!

If it means I have to wait until the 16th of September for my Tex-Mex version of Mexican food and my blended lime margarita, I can’t do it! What the heck…let’s celebrate! 

¡Viva México!



04May24: “…not today.”

I told Andy I needed action photos for my blog post.

This wasn’t what I wanted!

I put the ball up on his new kitty lounger in case that upsets him when he tries to go inside. He watched me do it but stuck with this old favorite, the recliner footrest.


Andy was sniffing around the new kitty lounger entrance after I completed this. I picked up my smartphone to get photos in case he went in, but that caught his attention. He stopped looking into the kitty lounger and headed for the kitchen. Surprise, Andy! I fed you your wet kitty food a bit longer than two hours ago! You know kitty tummies, though: “FEED ME!”

03May24: that new thing…

Andy entered it as soon as he saw it the day I unwrapped and zipped the two halves together.

I thought that was a good sign he actually would use it. Then, the next day…

…Andy briefly slipped into the “escape doughnut” but came back out. He then stuck his head inside the opening, but didn’t go back in.

He keeps looking at it, the kitty fortress-scratcher-playground-roost, deciding what to make of it.

Will he start sleeping in or on it? Will it become a favorite place to be? Will I need to move it to a place Andy feels is more suitable? Does the ball need to come off? Has he figured out that he can use it as a scratcher, too? We’ll see!

02May24: the kitty lounger…

Andy especially approves of this new location for his kitty lounger.

He comes over…

…circles around…

…and locates…

…the perfect…


…for a cat nap!


This kitty lounger used to be on the opposite side of the room. You may recall SpongeBob SquarePants used to be in that corner by the old television stand and the kitty lounge was in front of it.

When my niece, Shannon, and sister, Kathy, visited recently and put the new television stand together, they moved SpongeBob over to the space between the stacked carriers and the oxygen concentrator. The kitty lounger fit this new space perfectly and Andy has used it several times a day since. In the old space, he never used it.

Nap’s over. It’s time for a snack!